Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Pesky pranks
1. Spray nozzle or taped faucets- this one's kind of sentimental for me... THIS is the VERY PRANK that fueled my fire and love for this holiday! The first April we were married, my husband took a rubber band and wound it tightly around the kitchen sink's spray nozzle and left it aimed at where my face would be. When I turned on the water, it DRENCHED me! Haha! Of course he knew that meant war!!! Twelve years later, we're still going strong!
2. Fingernail polish spill- take a piece of wax paper and a bottle of fingernail polish that you don't mind ruining. Spill out contents onto paper, let dry, peel paper off, and leave on victim's clothing or an important document. You may want to do this one a week in advance. It takes quite a while for the polish to dry. I'd recommend using quick-dry nail polish and a hairdryer. If your "spill" doesn't peel off the wax paper very well, just cut around it as close to the edges as possible.

3. Blue teeth/ numb mouth- put a small drop of food coloring in center of toothbrush. Make sure to use the same color as the bristles. ALSO, you could put some oragel numbing gel deep in the base of the bristles... one of my FAVE'S!
4. Superglue shampoo lid shut. It will make them have to unscrew the lid.
5. Icy Hot/Bengay or thumbtack toilet seat- smear a small amount of Icy Hot or Bengay on toilet seat and wipe it mostly off so you can't tell it's there. TRUST ME, it doesn't take much for it to work! You could also line toilet seat with thumb tacks! Dun dun duuuuuun!

DISCLAIMER- Okay, so this one's only harmless if you're ABSOLUTELY SURE your victim will see the tack-lined seat BEFORE they sit. It's meant to be more of an inconvenience (as they have to remove the tacks before they sit) than a super-pokey encounter. Haha!
6. Block the remote signal with a piece of opaque tape.
7. Soap that won't lather- paint soap with clear fingernail polish and leave in the shower!

8. Glue end of tiolet paper roll onto itself so victim can't find it!
9. Glued-shut card- make a nice card for someone you owe a "thanks" to. Glue it shut so they can't open it.
10. Taped light switch- My kids LOVE this one! They seem to forget I do it every year, too! Just tape it down so they can't turn the light on.
11. Vaseline door knob- place a glob under the bottom of door know so you can't see it.
12. TP the bed- While victim is sleeping, roll TP under and over bed so when they wake up, they're stuck!
13. Place piles of confetti on top of ceiling fan blades so when it turns on, surprise! This one would be fun for someone's birthday, too! I have to say, it's much better than the big old globs of lotion I used to squeeze onto the fan blades! My mom was NOT thrilled about the mess that one made! Haha!
14. Plastic wrap shampoo/salt shaker- Unscrew lids, place a small piece of plastic wrap over opening, replace lid, and tear off the excess evidence.
15. Karo syrup towel- It's clear, so you can't tell it's on there until it's too late!
16. Hair gel hand soap- replace your liquid hand soap with the same color of hair gel.
17. Can't use-it gel/hairspray/cologne- using a temporary glue or double-stick foam, stick most frequently-used items to counter top or bathroom cupboard so they're hard to pick up!
18. Whoopi cushion on chair... you could also use bubble wrap!
19. Shoe surprise- you can stick either legos, small water balloons, or frozen coins inside victims shoes.
20. Cereal box/candy bag swap-out in original packaging
21. Bedroom doorTug of War- This prank can be pulled on two victims who have bedroom doors directly across the hall from each other (dorms usually work well for this). Use a rope to tie both door knobs to each other, with just enough slack to allow one door to open a crack. Then knock loudly on both doors at the same time. The victims will end up in a tug of war trying to get out.
22. Take a needle and thread and run it through every pair of underwear in the victim's drawer, so that they are attached in one long string. When they get dressed, they will grab one pair but end up with them all!
23. All Sewed Up- This prank has to be done to a very sound sleeper. While they are sleeping, sneak in and use a needle and thread to sew their pajamas to the bed! I did this one to my husband last year and it was HI-LAR-IOUS watching him try to get out of the bed! I, of course had to set him free. We both had a good laugh over this one!
24. Have A Cold One- If your victim wears the same hat every day, take it the night before, get it wet, and put it in the freezer. Right before the victim gets ready to leave, place the hat in the normal place. They will get a chilly surprise! You can also do this to a woman's bra!
25. Out is the New In- Turn your victim's backpack inside out. Wait until they're not around, then take everything out of their bag, turn it inside out and replace the items. Then wait for their surprised reaction! I'm soooo doing this to my kids this year!
26. Blast 'Em- Set the victim's TV to an obnoxious channel like Cartoon Network or the heavy metal channel, and turn the volume up to max volume. Now turn off the TV set. When your victim comes back and turns on the TV they will be surprised by a blast of loud programming!
27. Going Buggy- This one takes some prep time, but I think it would be cool. Take a picture of the top part of the kitchen counter. Go on the internet and search for a picture of a cockroach. Then, copy it on to the picture of the counter. Print out a few copies (cut off any extra white space), and place them on the counter. At first glance, your victim will think the kitchen is infested! This would be AWESOME if you did it to a germ-a-phobic friend!
28. The Run Around- Set this prank up ahead of time by letting the kids know you're planning on having some painting done in the house. Then, before they come home from school, put up two signs: on the front door - "Wet Paint - Use Back Door," on the back door - "Wet Paint - Use Front Door." Then see how many times they'll run around the house trying to get in.'
29. Set your friends/family up to think you've prepped a whole bunch a pranks for them... them do nothing and watch them nervously anticipate tricks that never happen all day. This is the lazy-holidayer's approach. Oh well, at least it's something!
 30. While You Were Sleeping- Carefully paint the toenails/fingernails or draw eyeliner mustaches on your victim while they are sleeping. We did this to our kids last year. It was so awesome because they had no idea (about the mustaches) until they went in the bathroom to get ready! One of them didn't discover their pretty toenails until after school that day! Haha, got ya!
31. Job/Chore Chart Switch- If you have a job/chore chart in your home, change it up! Instead of their usual jobs, have them do things like:  Bark like a dog 10 times, Pay the bills, Drive the kids to the park (great for young kids), Mow the lawn using scissors, Wash your clothes by hand, Sweep the driveway with a toothbrush, Jump on the trampoline without stopping for 20 minutes, Touch your nose with your tongue, Tickle Elmo, Count your toes, Sing an opera song--mom's choice, and more. Of course they know you're joking, you decide if you want to use things they can really do or not. My kids didn't end up doing any of them, but sure got the giggles while reading them! You can get creative and come up with whatever is funny to your family!
**This one was suggested by a viewer...
32. Have you ever heard of the Mento's and Diet Coke explosion experiment? Well, HERE'S a video showing how to turn it into a prank! So awesome! Just make sure it's done OUTSIDE! Maybe at an outdoor BBQ or something. Too funny!
(**Thanks, Emily!)

33. Set alarms & clocks ahead an hour- this one is probably the most important one! If you plan to do a bunch of time-consuming pranks, DO THIS FIRST!!! You don't have to do it to all the clocks, just the alarm or cell phone, and the bathroom/bedroom ones they see first.

Click Here and Here for more fun prank ideas! Note- This list will probably keep getting longer and longer as I come up with new pranks and update!


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Shannon Mariner said...

OOH these are hilarious. Such great ideas. HAHAH, thanks for posting some good ones.

Emily Clark said...

You need to add this to your list.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Emily! That's awesome!!! I'm totally adding that one!

Km said...

This is a fantastic list!!! Thank you... I will be trying some this year!

Anonymous said...

love your list!! I would like to add one to it though.....take the 'snaps' that pop when you throw them on cement and place one under each 'foot' on the toilet seat. When your victim sits down, they pop so loud it sounds like the toilet broke. They will start looking around to see if it did! (this happened to me so that's how I know!)

Anonymous said...

A really good prank is act like your going too go to the beach have the kids start packing like days before or who ever your pranking,then when the day comes act like nothing is going on and they keep asking when our we leaving then you say APRIl FOOLS.

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!:$

Nana Bluebird aka Kathy Aho said...

DO NOT put that fingernail polish one on anything even remotely truly important! Polish takes up to three days to really dry-- even on your fingers. The red may still stain and/or absord into the paper depending on what kind of paper the document is on. It sometimes takes $20-75 dollars to replace a vital document so why take a chance that this might NOT end up to be so funny? It's still a great joke--just not on important documents.

Anonymous said...

These are great pranks! Help me! Every year my friend & I pull pranks on each other. It has to be outdoors because I can't get into his house (& he works out of house). The more outrageous the better. People from all over the neighborhood come to see our pranks.
Things we've done to each other:
1.Chickens in yard, which I followed up by covering his yard in feathers & delivering KFC.
2.Garage sale
3.He loves Thailand so I gave him Tie Land --took hundreds of ties (Goodwill & every guy I knew that had old ones) & attached them to a rope & put up all over the front of his house like Christmas lights. Clip on ties were put in trees & bushes.
4.Bought huge men's briefs & put them on a clothes line
The year the Gates (big orange banners) were in Central Park, I made 10 of them & put them in his yard.
5.Saran wrapped his car
6.Got alcohol bottles from all the bars & put on the lawn with a big sign that said "AA Meeting, BYOB"
Some neighbors felt sorry for me
when they saw it & cleaned up the whole mess.
7. Put 100 pink flamingos in his yard & a sign "You got flocked!"

Anonymous said...

I would just like to comment that your "tug of war" prank is actually quite dangerous and not very harmless at all. I am a Resident Assistant at a state University and pranks like that are very dangerous and considered a fire hazard. If for some reason students needed to leave the building for an emergency they would be stuck in their rooms and could risk being injured or killed. We just had a fire on our campus a few weeks ago an luckily all of the students made it out of the building, so I can only imagine what could have happened if someone would have tried a prank as tasteless and dangerous as that one in an incident like that.

Anonymous said...

Im sure that the prank you are calling 'tastless and dangerous' would be monitored by the parent!

Courtney said...

If you have the equipment and knowledge...
Take the tire off the car, then the tire off the wheel. Add some jingle bells into the tire. Reseal the bead on the tire and place it back on the car.
My cousin-in-law had some buddies who put two extra lugnuts in his tire... he wound up buying a whole new transmission before they figured out the strange clunky noise!!!

Anonymous said...

I have another good kids April fools joke. My husband and I played this on our 2 kids (ages 12 &7), It was Hialrious! First, we made a copy of a real $100 bill (on our home copier, copied 1 side of the bill) we folded it up, so it hid the non copied side. It just so happened that April 1st fell on my kids spring break and I was going to do a little spring cleaning. before my husband left for work, we gathered the kids and offered them a "DEAL" who ever cleaned the Best/most would get $100, I would be the judge and when dad got home I would tell him who the winner was!! let me tell you...those kids took off and cleaned like there was no tomorrow (even toliets)!! They fought over who was going to clean what! When my husband returned home they were egarly awaiting to hear who had won! I declared my son the winner, The happiness lasted all of 30 seconds till he unfolded the $100 bill and we yelled "APRIL FOOLS" This made my daughter happy to learn the joke was on him! My husband and I both got a really good laugh and I also learned my kids DO know how to clean...funny how they forget when there is no money involved? BTW- they each got $30 (real money) for doing such a good job!!

Sarasota Flight School said...

LOVE the nail polish idea! Especially since our toddler aged daughters are constantly getting nail polish all over everything!!! I could see my husband flipping his lid over this....haha!! Although, probably not such a good idea to get him angry with the babies :) Very fun and funny prank ideas!

Anonymous said...

The best prank I ever played on my husband: I stitched the fly on his underwear closed! I got a call several hours later from him at work that he almost peed his pants!!!! And the best part....I did the exact same thing again the next year and it fooled him again! haha

Anonymous said...

Empty out the 3 hole punch thingy at work or school or whatever, and save the little circles... Put them in a friends car air vents and turn the air vents controls all the way up.,.. When this friend gets into the vehicle to start it up, it's gonna be a fantastic mess hahaha ;) harmless and a fun prank!!!!

Anonymous said...

Empty out the 3 hole punch thingy at work or school or whatever, and save the little circles... Put them in a friends car air vents and turn the air vents controls all the way up.,.. When this friend gets into the vehicle to start it up, it's gonna be a fantastic mess hahaha ;) harmless and a fun prank!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good ones!! Here's another, when I was in middle school I woke up early and removed the doorknobs on my brother and sisters' doors, turned them around and put them back on so that I could lock them in their rooms. My sister climbed out her window and rang the doorbell in nothing but her towel, trying to get in to take a shower. So funny.

Jenniffer said...

One of my favorites thats slowly going away hanks to technology is taping down the switch hook on the phone. When the phone rings and the victim picks up he handset, the phone will just keep on ringing! Works great in an office environment!!

Anonymous said...

Just when they think it's over, they start to get ready for bed after a long April Fool's day, only to find that the sleeves and head hole on their pj's have been stitched shut. My aunt got us with this more than once...

poeticsilence said...

I've seen something similar to the nail polish trick but it's a spoon with fake melted icecream puddle underneath, no risk of actually ruining anything
They are only about 3 dollars

Bev said...

These are so awesome! I used to work for a District Judge. We did the "honey on the doorknob" trick to him. The bailiff announced "Please rise" to the packed courtroom and the judge opened the "honeyed" doorknob. Priceless! Same judge would go out to lunch and then eat the lunch his wife packed for him on his way home in the car. We cut pieces of cardboard the size of his sandwich and put them in. Wish I had room to write about my absolute favorite April's Fool trick. Your list is awesome! Cheery wave! Bev

Kathleen said...

I am a party pooper, these sound funny in theory but if anyone EVER does any of this to me I will be ANGRY FOREVER!

Marisa D said...

I agree with Kathleen...these would be hilarious, but I in turn would forever loathe the person who pranked me! I'm a party pooper and hate being tricked! Even the silly stuff like hiding behind the corner and then spooking me when I walk by! It's great that y'all have that easy going sense of humor!

bworthy1 said...

I always feel deceived I don't like pranks but if you give them you have to take them that's why I haven't but some of these ideas sound good in theory

Teri George said...

One year my husband changed the time on the clock and woke me up and told me it was late and I jumped up, got in the shower and was headed in to wake my son up for school when I realized it was pitch dark outside! It was like, 3 o'clock in the morning. I wanted to strangle him but, it WAS pretty funny!!!

June said...

Fantastic post! So many brilliant ideas!!

Anonymous said...

Don't like practical jokes and I would be stressed out as hell living in your house. Glad you and your husband found each other!

cindyrella said...

i had a boss who used to leave his car unlocked all the time. he was 6'5" and i'm only 5 foot. i would constantly move his seat up as far as it would go. one time he left the car running in front of the office, ran in to getr something, i ran out an moved the seat up and ran back to my office and sat and watched, since i could see out the front. he blaimed the front dest girl... another time i filled the car with dozens of water balloons. i used to take this one girls photo of her kids and put it on different desks un til someone would figure it out. one company party i put it in the men's bathroom and someone came out asking why her kids picture was there. i used to hide people's things in the microwave at work and they wouldn't find things until someone used the microwave.

Anonymous said...

Lol! These are funny! My husband is quite the prankster and one morning during my shower he dumped ICE COLD WATER on me over the door. I HATE to be cold especially during a shower. To get him back, I rubbed ice hot ALL over my hands and when he got out of his shower, I was goin on n on about how sexy he looked in just a towel! Kissed him and slid my hands underneath to rub icy hot ALL OVER his business!!! LMAO! He called me like 4 hrs later cuz he STILL couldn't sit down in his chair at work! Hehe. He NEVER has played another prank on me since

Rachel said...

Oh my, this is fabulous! April Fools is my favorite holiday of the year, and you've given me some excellent ideas!!!!

Anonymous said...

Leave a message for your boss to call Mr. Lyon (or Mrs. Baer) with the telephone number to the local zoo.

Ketutar said...

Some of these are ok, some are less so.

@anonymous March 3, 2012 10:06 PM - so you think it's only "responsible" parents who read this list? Think again. Locking people in their rooms might seem like a good idea, but what if there is a fire or some other such emergency? Would a "fun" practical joke be worth a lost life?

@anonymous March 5, 2012 8:25 AM with the "good" april fools joke on kids. If I was your son I'd never clean anything again, and I would never trust you again about anything. "Yeah, your word is as good as that 100 dollar bill..." What he learned from it was "do what you are told, do a good job, and people laugh their asses of at you." Hilarious, indeed...

grafixgirl said...

These jokes are obviously for people who enjoy a good practical joke. If the ideas offend you, then don't do them. It's that simple. I think they are funny. Everyone has done something at one time or another to another human being that they thought was funny and the other didn't. By all means, be careful with the pranks that you pull, but have fun with them.

B Amaeica said...

She specifically said you could cut around the wax paper, leaving a lining. Also, to do it well in advance. I think this is one of the best tricks on here!!

B.Rica said...

The chances that the building bursts into flames on April Fools day are pretty slim. Also, someone would clearly let them out if the building was on fire!! This prank is hilarious!! Can't anyone have any fun anymore?!

Anonymous said...

So, your sister was in a room full of clothing and she opted to go out the window in a towel? That's crazy!

Anonymous said...

It's for April Fools Day!! Have a sense of humour!!! Do what you are told, do a good job and people will laugh their asses off at you is clearly NOT the message. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Exactly!! Relax people! Have some fun!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of this site - is that some people read through all of the comments, and then have something awful to say. If you don't like what you're reading - LEAVE THE PAGE!!! Goodness people! Get a sense of humor, get a life, or stop reading! Easy as pie (in the face!... hahaha!) ...As if anybody would run "under" the rope tying 2 doors together.. to get out of a fire, and leave the people in their bedrooms. COME ON! Common sense! It's a 10 minute prank, not an all night/all day deal!

Anonymous said...

These sound so fun!
I've gotta piggyback on the toilet seat pranks... stretch saran wrap over the bowl, then put the seat and lid back down! AWESOME messy prank for anyone with a taste for potty humor!!!

Erin said...

How fun are these!!! Thanks!

Kelsey said...

Found you from Duke and Duchesses! Awesome ideas. My husband and I haven't really done any April Fool's pranks on each other before, but it is about time I start! :) I plan to do the needle through the underwear, glued thank you car, and nail polish to his work uniform!! :)

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Love these ideas!

Anonymous said...

OK I know this one is mean BUT we laugh at it still today. I susan wrapped the toilet when he went to bed. I knew he always got up to potty in the middle of the night and his eyes wouldn't be completely focus know the old saying- when a man starts to pee he can't stop. Well as he's yelling " OH MY GOODNESS! YOUR SO CLEANING THIS" and laughing even harder....well you get the idea. FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

OK I know this one is mean BUT we laugh at it still today. I susan wrapped the toilet when he went to bed. I knew he always got up to potty in the middle of the night and his eyes wouldn't be completely focus know the old saying- when a man starts to pee he can't stop. Well as he's yelling " OH MY GOODNESS! YOUR SO CLEANING THIS" and laughing even harder....well you get the idea. FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

I love these. Just a word of caution about #19. Do not do this with a person diagnosed with diabetes. That could cause a REAL problem with their feet and it could be as devastating as eventually losing a foot or limb. I'm an RN ....just being careful.

angie said...

this is awesome! i included it on my post here:

Anonymous said...

We are constantly getting people at work with their coffee cups and seran wrap... just like the salt shakers but with the coffee cups! Classic!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Ok these are amazing and had me laughing out loud! My kids are staring at me like I'm crazy...just wait until April 1st kiddos :)Thanks for the awesome post.

Anonymous said...

Last year I sent a picture of a positive pregnacy test to all my family and friends via text and said it was my daughters. Everyone called, Fb, and text her to tell her congrats! This year I think it will be a pic of a finger with a engagement ring on it! I love April Fools!

Anonymous said...

Considering that the pranksters are standing RIGHT THERE watching the hapless residents try to open their doors, I doubt believe anyone would be in danger.

Amy Goodman said...

Hello...I saw this on pinterest 4 weeks ago and just could not wait to "declare war" on my husband this year!! I did...the tape on the light switches, Vaseline on the door handle which led him to try and wash his hands in the sink where the sprayer was ready for him, and the orajel in his toothbrush which was my favorite! I attempted to paint the soap but gave up and also tried to paint his toenails but he moved too much hehe!.....but I did add 3 of my own as well...we have a 2 year old and a 9 month old (both still in cribs) so I switched them in the middle of the night so that when he woke up to get them out of bed for breakfast he was ALL turned around! He wears contacts so I also went to go remove his contacts from his container and relocate them to a different one (leaving the solution in it still) but when I opened up an old container I found a really old spare pair that had dried up and became crusty so instead I empty the solution and put in the crusty ones...he flipped hehe! and last but not least I put a sign on the back of his car saying "happy April fools...please honk and wave at my hubby hehehe thanks" and as we went for our normal sunday drive...he could not figure out why everyone kept honking!!! Thanks so much for all you inspired me to become hehe! Amy!

Lindsay Artsy-Fartsy Mama said...

Such a fun ideas!! Thanks for sharing!

I featured you on my blog today, come check it out:

Anonymous said...

My 2 grandsons always play April fools jokes on me. Well, this one year, I called my daughter and asked her to get the boys to look out her livingroom window. So she asked the boys to watch for the meter man. I dressed up like a hobo (and I looked great)and my husband dropped me off about four house from their house. I proceeded walking down their street, and when I came to their house I could see them looking out the window. The best part it was garbage day, so I approached their garbage can and the boys yelled to my daughter,"Mom you have to come quick, there is a weird person digging in our garbage". My daughter came to the window and explained to them that that was a hobo. So my daughter said to the boys, "lets go out and give her a banana". The said "NO Way". Well, my daughter approached me to hand me the banana and I could see the boys looking out the frontdoor. At that point, I removed my wig and looked up at them and yelled "April Fools". OMG, they laughed so hard. It was a great April Fools memory.

Candi Barnett said...

I did this one to my husband... When I made hard boiled eggs, I always marked them with an "X" and placed them back into the refrigerator if I was not going to use them right away. On April Fool's Day, I took a RAW egg, marked an X on it and put it in my husband's lunch. At lunchtime, he took out the egg and cracked it on his desk. Egg flew all over his desk! I happened to be on the phone with him when he did this otherwise you will hear about it later!

Anonymous said...

While I agree with the RA that it is a fire hazard, I agree with others that the tied doors is a put-it-up-and-do-it, 10 minute (tops!) prank (I'm a former RA myself, so I understand the worries, but I also see the humor!) I've taped saran-wrap to a door, and had my door "phone-booked" (they supplied student phonebooks in the lobby, my residents got about 400 of them, packaged in blocks of ten, and piled them up). I was so pissed the next day when I tried to leave!!! But it only took about 30 seconds until I was out...good times!

Thanks for the ideas! I will use the ones I liked!

Anonymous said...

When my son was little, he swaped out the sugar in the sugar bowl with salt. He knew his dad put sugar on his breakfast cereal every morning. It was hysterical.
Then, as a teenager, my prankster son made a new best friend. This boy had recently moved into the neighborhood. Before my son introduced him to the other neighborhood boys, he told them to not make fun of the new kid because "he's mentally retarded". Those young men still laugh about it to this day.

Anonymous said...

A couple outdoor pranks we've used are:

Shorten the mail box (if it's not bricked in) by digging it up and planting it deeper.

Put a for sale/rent sign in the front yard with their phone number on it. If you like to take it far, pick up some ready mix from Lowe 's and make it to where he has to dig it up to get the sign down! We've had a blast with these

niki said...

my husband convinced our kids to play along with him when we were leaving for church this last April Fool's. He told the kids to load up for church and all I could hear was one daughter asking where our car was...again and again. I looked outside and it was gone. I ran to the back door and nuthin ... after freaking out they all yelled April Fool's!!! he parked it on the one side of the house I didn't look! what's worse is just the week before, a friend of mine had their truck stolen from their drive! he always gets me good so you better believe I got his number next year with this list!!!

Anonymous said...

These ideas rock!

Super funny... Take a cup of flour and dump it on your spouse or kids head whele they are in the shower! Totally trips them out and then they have to wash all over to get rid of the clumps :P

Also you can unsrew the shower head and put a life saver candy in it, then screw it back on. When they take a ahower it makes them all sticky!

Anonymous said...

I'm a resident assistant too & its people like you that give us a bad rep. Chill out!

Anonymous said...

Just because some people don't like pranks does not mean they need to "chill out" or relax. Some people do not like pranks, nothing wrong with that. Some people don't like country music but I don't tell them to "chill out".

jenn said...

peel a number of clothes of garlic and chocolate dip them. they look exactly like chocolate covered almonds!!! hilarious, but smells so bad once people start chewing them.

Anonymous said...

Some people are so stuck up!

Anonymous said...

I used to fill my brother's conditioner bottle with yogurt! :))

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha!!!! That's hilarious! I'm doing this to my boyfriend. This kind of reminds me of when I sewed one of the pant legs of my friend's jeans closed. She thought there was gum sticking to it and she was sssoooo mad.

Anonymous said...

"I'm a resident assistant".... Therefore I'm the stick in the mud that tries to ruin the college experience by acting like your father/mother. Give me a break. You don't tie the knobs and leave, you're there the whole time!!! Lol

TheFrugalBite ~ ChickenWingMan said...

Do you remember those poppers, they were fireworks I think and had a string at each end, you would pull the 2 strings and it would pop! Well my dad tied one to our door knobs and the door jam one April fools day. My sister opened her door first... POP! I ran out and POP! My other sister then runs out and POP! We were freakinf out because we didn't know where it was comming from until we heard dad laughing hysterically in his bedroom. He would then use this trick if we weren't home when he went to bed so he could hear when we got home. Ingenious!

Anonymous said...

The point in saying chill out is because they are on a site for jokes. If you don't like them then why are you here???

Anonymous said...

I did this to my supervisor about a year ago. She figured out right away that it was me, but it was so worth it. Lol

Anonymous said...

Put jello in the toilet when it chills it will have to be scooped out haha or another good one is to put l eggs in he fridge door I did this to my mom she got mad I blamed it on dad and she called work to yell at him haha

Anonymous said...

A salesman was visiting and was told that the bookkeeper was very hard of hearing. After he kept yelling at her she finally stopped him a d asked why he kept yelling. He realized he'd been had.

Kristin Lovelady said...

In addition to putting plastic over the salt or sugar shaker...

A friend had done this to my dad! He was very stealthy about it so it was even more hilarious! my dad has coffee every night about the same time and my friend filled the cap of the sugar shaker we had and filled it with salt! then put plastic over the opening where all the sugar is contained (just like mentioned in post) that way the sugar is all seen, but when they go to use it the salt pours out from the top! my dad took one drink and knew something wasnt right! haha it was so funny! our friend was the only one who knew what he had done so it made the whole joke even funnier!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. I bet you're one of those power mad people who were ignored in high school, so now you can't take a joke. What would be the point if doing the prank if no one was there to see it? The prank was to tie the Knobs then knock and wait to see the fall out. Not to run away and leave the people stuck.

Anonymous said...

Joking about mental disabilities is not funny at all. Your son sounds like a bully.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. That's not a practical joke - that's intentionally mean. And they still laugh about it? That's terrible.

Finding Mommyland said...

I am loving the pajamas sewed to the bed!!! :)

Joanne G said...

Love these! You could also put clear wrap around the toilet! Only works with girls and guys that need to poop, though..

Anonymous said...

Here is another classic prank.....Get a fake rubber snake, be sure that it is an extra long one & kind of looks real, and tie a string to it. Go to the bathroom & coil it up under the sink or next to the toilet & stretch the string to the door knob & tie it on. That way when they open the door the snake launches at them! You can also just leave it coiled up near the toilet & let them find it that way. My husband is a fireman & this really makes the men scream like girls! Many hours of laughs!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The best prank I ever did was when I was probably 12 years old. My brother was 9 and we always shared cat litter duty. April fool's week was his week and I led up to it by telling him "The cat's are going to start going to the bathroom outside of their litterbox because you aren't cleaning it! It's getting full!" I went outside - and rolled some mud between my hands - making it look like kitty poo. I then placed the mud balls (harmless) upon his bedroom pillow! When I heard him screaming and freaking out - I went into the room - said, "It's not a big deal" I then picked it up with my bare hands and squished it between my fingers. His reaction was PRICELESS!!! Best. Prank. Ever.

Anonymous said...

My husband was trying to play the "Elastic around the faucet hose" on me and it ended up turning on him...our son made a mess and he ran to the sink to rinse a cloth and wham he was SOAKED! LOL Great ideas though!!

Anonymous said...

Here's a couple of more that we had loads of fun with:
1: In a Dorm, hide a roommate's mattress and leave a Kotex pad on springs. Explain that while they were out doing laundry, you tried to help and washed their mattress but it shrunk!
2. In an office with lots of rubber bands, etc. used that may be in a plastic bucket or bowl, cut the bottom off. When they pick it up, the contents will go everywhere.
3. Unscrew the shower head, cover the pipe with plastic and replace shower head. Hard to get wet!
4. Sprinkle Kool-aid inside shower head.

Anonymous said...

Two great pranks that should be added: 1. Put an ad on craigslist for free chickens and post their phone number 2. Take all the lables off their canned goods... SO SIMPLE!

Anonymous said...

Draw on face with permanent marker. Fruit loops in socks and shoes. Vaseline on door handles, ESPECIALLY car doors..... Makes it a difficulty task to open the door. Saran wrap on the toliet seat.

Anonymous said...

Replace your office coffee with decaf and spread rumour of an outbreak of terminal "flu" with first symptoms of headache, fatigue and irritability. If possible, create fake news article and email it to your coworkers.

Anonymous said...

A good one I Plan on doing to my brother....
Take the gummy life savers and unscrew the shower head and put them in there, when they shower they get really sticky and the more they shower the stickier they get! This would work well with the sparkles on the fan, so the sparkles would stick to them!

Anonymous said...

A quick April Fool's joke for the office that I've done was to put a small post-it that says "April Fools" on the underside of someone's mouse.

Unknown said...

I had fun just reading these and can not wait to try a few myself on the kids LOL! Then wait to see what they do to me!! I think people take life for granted and need to have fun and enjoy it. If you like tricks and a good giggle then be prepared to get back what you put out WHICH , by the way , is the whole point of this blog! Thanks for making me smile today, My family and I really enjoyed reading all of these ideas and having a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the list. Can't wait to try them next year! Another fun one: put jell-o and a straw in each of your kids' cups and refrigerate till set. Serve them their drinks and watch as they try to suck up the jell-o.

Anonymous said...

This brought me to tears!!! Too funny!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One of my absolute favorites is putting petroleum jelly onto doorknobs! Once they go to open the door knob it will get on their hand as well making the door knob slippery and nearly impossible to open!

Anonymous said...

Take all the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms

Anonymous said...

Use double-sided duct tape and place it all the way across the driveway right behind the car so when they back out they think they have blown a tire. Works every time - nothing happens to the tires:)

Lyz said...


Anonymous said...

That is REALLY mean. I can not imagine doing that to a child.

Anonymous said...

Freeze marbles and put them in the bed with someone.. every time they roll to get away, the cold marbles follow!

Molly Nagel said...

I don't know how many high schools this would work in anymore with the amount of security there is these days, but when I was a senior a group of us were after school for an extracurricular and were there very late, even the janitors had left (sidenote- there were about 9 of us, all of us were honor students, 2 went on to be class valedictorians.) Like most high schools, in ours lockers often got decorated with posters for birthdays, team and athletic events, etc, which covered up the locker numbers and caused most people to go to the locker that looked like theirs, and forget the number completely. We spent 3 hours carefully removing every single decoration on all the lockers in the school and shifting them one locker to the right. The next morning their was a line 20 deep outside of the janitor's office of people who couldn't get their lockers open, because they were trying the wrong one! It took the entire day for the confusion to be completely figured out, and most of the teachers were actually pretty impressed :) My favorite type of prank- no one got physically hurt, no property was damaged, no one got their feelings hurt, it just confused the heck out of about 900 people for about 7 hours!

Anonymous said...

Purchase a bunch of packets of the instant potatoes and sprea the dry mix all over his lawn, so in the morning when he turns the sprinklers on, potatoes

Anonymous said...

Omg... I died laughing at your pranks, especially the one where you moved the picture around. You must be fun to work with!

Anonymous said...

^ Me too. I was laughing so hard I was crying just imaging my husband's reaction. I know for a fact he would scream like a little girl if I did this. I think I will. ; )

Andilyn said...

Ouch, guys. Just cuz she's shaken up from the recent fire she experienced isn't justification to attack her personality. I disagree with the comment too, but that doesn't give me justification to assume she's stuck up or power mad. Let's just all chill :) and show some love ;)

Andilyn said...

Hahaha you and I clearly have different opinions on what is and is not harmless ;) but these all gave me a good laugh. So I'll take the ones I liked and leave the ones that would keep my husband from speaking to me lol.

Great comments too :) a plethora of good ideas.

Anonymous said...

My Husband (tough Army guy) hates snakes. His coworkers got him with this (over and over) when he was deployed! Too funny! I think the string sounds even better!

Anonymous said...

She said to leave wax paper under it..but rockester meant that it could soak thru..

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment the same exact prank. My younger brothers did it to me several years ago. :-) I thought te whole toilet broke haha

Anonymous said...

I lol on this one too. Love it.

Anonymous said...

My brother would crack the door and place a paperback book on the top ledge and tell me to run to the kitchen, pow right on top of the head every time.

Anonymous said...

That's harsh not even funny :(

Nicole Hayes said...

In college, my dad was notorious for putting shaving cream inside of a RECORD COVER and then squeezing the edge under a door. then he'd knock on the door and then JUMP on the record cover, causing the shaving cream to fly into the room!

Anonymous said...

I rolled up duct tape and put it on the inside of my brothers funny..cuz his pants were tight (back in the 80's) and he was a hairy guy...he pulled them on fast and then had to take them back off to get tape out! Hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

I tried to read through the comments to see if anyone posted this but there are so many comments! If this is a repeat - co-workers love when April 1st is a work day! They are actually known for these tricks and can't do it unless we have new employees....take oreo cookies and clean out the white creme center and replace with white toothpaste then leave a plate in your work kitchen or the area you keep the candy jar or other snacks. Hilarious! Also - the hole punch confetti in the umbrella is really funny! When you walk out of work on a rainy day - there's lots of laughs! Oh - and I work in the Pentagon so these are viral!

Anonymous said...

That's great! I love how you rewarded them in the end too, that makes it fun and not mean :) bet they were surprised!

Anonymous said...

Short sheeting someone's bed so when they go to crawl into bed at night their feet only go half way down!

Anonymous said...

One year at work I took the stuffed animal sitting on a friend's desk on vacation with me. Every time we took a picture the stuffed animal was in it. When I returned I put it back on her desk. She didn't even realize it had "gone on vacation" until she seen the pictures. This one is a good one because my family was in one it too.

ilive4sumr said...

I have #1 to my husband every year! It has been at least 15 years and he falls for it everytime.

Marie Antoinette said...

Andilyn is right, if you don't have something nice to say don't say it. I'm sure none of you would like those replies to your posts. Just make sure you have a good time. :)

Marie Antoinette said...

One year I got up at 1 in the morning and colored our family's milk and oj green! The looks on my 4 year old sister's faces where priceless when they opened the fridge! my brother is in for it this year though. ;)

Marie Antoinette said...

Andilyn is right, if you don't have something nice to say don't say it. I'm sure none of you would like those replies to your posts. Just make sure you have a good time. :)

Tezra said...

Some great classics in there. I laughed so hard reading these and can hardly wait!

Spatula said...

Get the biggest package of plastic forks (white or brightly colored) you can find and place them tines-down into the front lawn of someone and leave a message on their door, "you've been forked!" It's a variation on the flamingos. Slightly time-consuming, but sooo funny!

Anonymous said...

Ive done a few pranks to my best friend. Once I opened her medicine cabinet, put a piece of cardboard up and filled up her cabinet with M&Ms and Skittles. Closed the cabinet door and slowly pulled out the when she opened it to get her toothpaste tons of candy fell out everywhere!!! I also took yarn and started from her bed post and wound it around then took it too her desk and so on until the whole room was full of yarn from floor to when she got home she couldnt even get in her room.

Anonymous said...

Some of these are kind of harsh. Bur on the other hand most of them would be funny!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome.

Anonymous said...

That was done to me by my then 8 year old daughter !!! I did not like having pee all over me after I was ready for work already DISLIKE she thought it was funny I got mad!!!

Anonymous said...

Just like you can tape over the end of the remote control, you can tape over the infrared light on a computer mouse. Also, if you work someplace where a projector is frequently used, go to settings and turn the display upside down.

Texas prankster said...

My husband & I always prank his brother every year. The best one so far was when we went to visit one night, we "painted" his toilet seat with light karo syrup diluted with water & let it dry. When he sat down on it the next morning, his thighs stuck to the seat! We also used Karo syrup in his lotion bottle & mixed it really well. He was a sticky mess!!!

Danika89 said...

Take mentos and use and a ice cube tray and put mentos in each hole and make ice then ask victims if they want a drink pour large glasses of coke with prepared ice in large glass as ice melts watch what happens

Anonymous said...

Some of these are just cruel. What kind of monster would put a Lego in someone's shoe? Are you trying to permanently injure them?

Anonymous said...

Freakin AWSOME!!!

Anonymous said...

Completely cover your prankee's vehicle with wet cotton balls on a really cold day (freezing temperatures) or if it's not cold enough use cotton balls dipped in Vaseline to make them stick. It is hilarious to watch as they scramble to figure out how to get them all off to use the car! Haha

chellebell8686 said...

Gummie bear someones window on their car! You get a 5 pound bag and lick each one(or maybe a wet sponge) we just licked them n drank pop as we did it. These will be stay on too!

chellebell8686 said...

Gummie bear someones window on their car! You get a 5 pound bag and lick each one(or maybe a wet sponge) we just licked them n drank pop as we did it. These will be stay on too!

Samantha said...

OMGGGGG All of these pranks are sooo funny!!! I am laughing so hard I have tears running down my face. FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY :):) Thanx for posting all of these.

Anonymous said...

These are all awesome! One we used to do in high school was while at lunch, take an extra ketchup and mustard packet each and go to the bathroom fold them up, put one on each side of the toilet underneath the toilet seat and put the curved side of it facing in toward the bowl so that when someone sits down they pop and squirt their butt! Messy and hilarous.

Anonymous said...

Hair gel on the toilet seat is a good one too . Did it a few years ago and my mom slipped off the toilet. We also put confetti in the air vents of the car ..that was messy for a few weeks but funny

Anonymous said...

Omg love this! I'm doing this to my sister! Haha

Anonymous said...

Baby powder in a hair dryer

Anonymous said...

These made me laugh sooooo much. I love the sew to bed one. Toooo funny :D

Anonymous said...

Loved these! Gonna try some most definitely!

For the ppl who think some of these pranks are cruel... Obviously you've never watched PRANKED on TV! These are nice & gentle compared to those.

Laughing is good for ur heart!

Munchkin Momma said...

I have to admit I used to pull this one every year and my step mom always got it... But she showered first in the am do it was never that big of a deal

Munchkin Momma said...

I used to call my dad at work every year (starting at age 16) and tell him I was pregnant took him all day to get it... Karma came back at me though I was supposed to be induced with my first child on April 2nd and went into labor on April 1st on my own... Needless to say my dad didn't believe me when I called to tell him I was in labor. He did eventually realize it wasn't a joke and made it to the hospital my daughter was born at 9:41pm on April Fools ( I was 21 then lol)

Anonymous said...

These are awesome!!!!! I have been LMAO!!!!! Bahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Amos Hunter said...

These are all so great!
I have a few suggestions that I did last year, also. I will break my comments into different sections because I have too many characters for one message.
-fill somebody's tooth brush with salt, sugar, garlic powder etc. or dip in super-hot sauce... just remove the outside traces so they don't catch on too soon! -put post-it notes all over somebody's car windows
-this one takes time. while a family member is sleeping, fill up around 200 paper cups with water. place the cups outside of the family member's door. It will take them awhile to get out of their room!
-Take Oreo cookies and gently twist apart. Carefully scrape off the icing and replace with toothpaste mixed with garlic powder or pickle juice. Put cookies back together to and pack in lunch.
- Put “garage sale, 8 – 3 pm Friday (or whatever day april fools is on that year)” sign up on someone’s lawn that you want to trick
-Very easy prank to pull on computer users. Just take a post-it note and write "April Fools!" on it. Then stick it onto the bottom of the mouse so it covers the ball or laser. They'll wonder why their mouse isn't working and as soon as they look at the bottom, "April Fools!"
- This one works best for a child. Bring a bag of chips (bbq or cheetos are best) to school. poor hot sauce over the chips. declare that you're full, and ask if anyone wants your chips. maybe just put them in the middle of the table. Wait for everyone's expression when they try the chips!
-Unscrew the lids of the salt and pepper shakers, and fill the lids with salt and pepper, respectively. Then, tear or cut circles out of paper napkins to fit exactly over the lids. Holding the paper in place, carefully invert each lid and screw it onto the wrong shaker. The victim will see salt in the bottom of the shaker, but only pepper will come out, and vice versa.

Unknown said...

-Unscrew the lids of the salt and pepper shakers, and fill the lids with salt and pepper, respectively. Then, tear or cut circles out of paper napkins to fit exactly over the lids. Holding the paper in place, carefully invert each lid and screw it onto the wrong shaker. The victim will see salt in the bottom of the shaker, but only pepper will come out, and vice versa.
-Tell your friend to bite his/her pinky finger nail (not just the nail, but the nail that covers the skin) as hard as he/she comfortably can for 30 seconds. Immediately have him hook his pinkies together and pull. Eeoow! it really hurts!
-Get a spray bottle or squirt gun and fill it with water. As someone turns away from you, go up behind them and fake a big nasty sneeze and spray/squirt the back of their neck or hand
-Requires three instigators. (make sure that the person you are pranking has a spare pair of clothes you can bring him/her) In a large bathroom with stalls or a locker room, wait for a victim to enter the stall and close the door. #1 instigator begins flashing the lights and yelling, "Lightning!" #2 then pounds on the door of the stall yelling, "Thunder!" #3 tosses a pail-full of water over the stall onto the victim yelling, "Rain!"

Unknown said...

- You will need a clear glass, 3/4-full of water, and a pencil.
Somehow steer the conversation to personal traits. Mention that most palm readers can tell if a person is left or right-handed just by looking, because the thumbnail on the predominant hand is larger. Most people will hold their two thumbs side-by-side and compare them. Nine time out of ten, the person will agree with you.
Next, mention that if you look at the two thumbnails while underwater, it will appear to be just the opposite, due to the optical illusion properties of water refraction. Should they hesitate to believe this, pick up the pencil and put it in the glass of water. Point out how it appears that the pencil is broken, due to the refraction principle.
Take out the pencil and say, "See for yourself." At this point just about anyone ever born will put their two thumbs together on the tabletop. Carefully (but quickly!) balance the glass of water on top of your victim's thumbs. When they lean over to look down through the glass of water, remove your hand from the glass and walk away.
-three toilet tricks: 1) Smear Vaseline on a toilet seat when no one is looking. It doesn't take much. Adding a thin layer of sand to it is even better. 2) Put a tight sheet of Glad Wrap over the bowl under the seat. This works best in women's facilities where the seat usually stays in place, but in the dark (THE DARK!!!) no one can tell. [Thanks to Nemo.] 3) Lift the toilet seat and stir in several boxes of your favorite jello...yellow/lemon is particularly appropriate but any kind you choose will be just as annoying as another! Do this after the victim goes to bed and let the jello set overnight. The next morning it will be a solid block!
-Put a note on your victim’s car that says “Sorry about the dent. Call me so we can swap insurance information.” Include a fake name and phone number. Be sure to hide nearby so you can watch them search in vain for the “dent.”
-Scoop about an inch of deodorant from the top of the victim’s stick deodorant. Then take a slice of cream cheese and carefully insert it into the deodorant container, sculpting it so it looks like deodorant. Put the top back on and wait for the fun!
-Add food coloring to the hand soap dispenser in your bathroom. When the victim tries to wash their hands, they will end up worse than where they started.
-Find a small picture of a monkey (or anything else you think is funny) and use temporary glue (a glue stick works well) to place it over the photo on the victim’s driver’s license. Then find some excuse to send them somewhere where they will need to show their ID.
-Fill the mailbox with packing peanuts or ping pong balls and then send your victim out to get the mail (make sure to do this after the mail has been delivered --- don’t prank the mail carrier!!)
-Cover the hood of your victim’s car with plastic wrap, tucking the edges under the hood so it’s invisible. Then paint graffiti on the plastic with acrylic paints. Hide nearby so you can see your victim’s face when they see the “damage.”
-Empty a toothpaste tube by squeezing out all the contents. Then fill it with frosting by using a decorating bag and tip. Put the toothpaste back and check the reaction of the victim when they try to brush their teeth!
-pretend not to know some family member

Unknown said...

-Make some “delicious” caramel apples. But trick your victim by substituting an onion for their apple!

I hope you like my ideas! and I really do love yours! I'll try and use some of them this April fools! (:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! My sister is going to find herself strapped to her bed tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

These are great! I did #33 to my mom & brother when I was in high school. Watching my mom panic & rush my little brother out the door & drive him to school was great. My dad & I laughed until they got back when they realized they were an hour early, they still dont think it was funny. I have one to add, havent done it but it would be great. I heard of a couple that did this to their neighbors, go in the pantry & remove all the labels from the canned food!

Anonymous said...

Icy Hot/Bengay on a toilet seat is not a prank. Icy Hot can actually burn people. Posting something like that as a prank is very irresposible.

Anonymous said...

Messed up but hilarious!! I would have to tell before they replaced a transmission. They are very costly.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!! I literally busted out laughing!

Anonymous said...

You are ridiculous. It's fun and games! The kids got a reward and a laugh! I am sure they laugh and tell the story!

Also, pranksters do pranks to watch and LAUGH! Not to set people up then leave. Yay. Lets do all this work to prank someone then leave and not enjoy the JOKE! (Key words JOKE AND LAUGH.)

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Goodness! Stop reading if it's not funny to you!

Anonymous said...

My son did this to my brother
Take fishing line and tie it between all of the furniture in the room . When he walked in to the bedroom that night he didn't see the line and got all tangled up in it
Another time he put all of his latch box cars under a sheet. When my brother walked in to the dark room he stepped all over the cars while my son was laughing hysterically

Anonymous said...

My brother played this prank on my daughter and her husband when we were all at a vacation house. He put an alarm clock under their bed and set it for 3 am. They woke up looking for the alarm and finally found it.

Anonymous said...

I just spent about 30 minutes reading through all of the comments and laughed so hard that I cried, and no more tears were left! Oh my goodness! My stomach hurts so much! The real kicker for me was the one where the lady sewed the fly shut on her husband's underwear. Priceless!

Here are a few jokes I've played on April Fools Day...

1. Carefully placed baby power on a paper towel and sat it on the top of the bathroom door. I made sure the door was cracked, so the paper towel would be delicately balanced. When Mom opened the door, the powder dumped all over her head!
2. Rearranged all of the hanging pictures and other decor items on the walls.
3.Opened the end of the toothpaste tube, took out the toothpaste, and put Crisco shortening back inside. This works if someone uses white toothpaste.
4. While a co-worker stepped away from his desk, I quickly hid all of the icons on his computer desktop. Another co-worker had his rearranged.
5. Swapped clothing items in dresser drawers. Example, switch the socks with the t-shirts, etc. This is great for someone who's very organized!!!
6. Took one each of Mom's earrings and hid them, so she didn't have a matching pair when she got ready for work in the morning. She was pretty mad, considering that she had powder dumped on her head earlier, vaseline on her hand from the doorknob, and had to deal with saran wrap on the toilet seat! LOL

Anonymous said...

Okay. I love pranks and I love doing them. I don't mind It when I get pranked either but the whole PERMANENT marker thing is a little extreme. Washable marker is okay but when people write on your face with permanent marker it is not a very good experience

Anonymous said...

Put a packet of koolaid mix in someones shoes and it will turn all of their socks into whatever color u use!!

Anonymous said...

Ok ya Debbie downer... do you ruin everything for everyone all the time,? Geeze... do yourself and all of us fun ppl a favor n stay off the site if ur gonna cry about things

Anonymous said...

At a local high school some seniors released pigs that were labeled 1, 2, and 4. The administration spent over an hour searching pig #3 after rounding up the other ones.

Anonymous said...

These are so funny!! I am totally putting cream cheese in my husband's deodorant.

Tabitha said...

Booo lol have some fun and at lest do one to someone

Anonymous said...

Thats going to be my hubby. I can just see it now

Anonymous said...

That's like telling an Adult they win a million dollars-(by someone They actually TRUST).Actually giving them a real check -have them spend lots of money and then the check bounces! MEAN. There is a difference between funny and mean. Of course we are all different. but not to the cute innocent Kids please :-(
(They get enough let-downs..)

Anonymous said...

i love how fast we all forget things. It is like child birth! we still do it again after swearing we won't! :-)

Anonymous said...

OMG. You are totally nuts. The prankster will be watching the whole time a couple of feet away. Its not like you tie the doorknobs together and run. And what would the chances of the building bursting into flames be in the particular five to ten minutes that they are stuck in their rooms? Yea,not so big.

Anonymous said...

Really? Are you that much of a party pooper? I think all these are hilarious and so do a lot of other people. You need to chill our. And DO NOT tell a mother how to do her job. Her kids are probably just fine. You should really stay off sites like these if you can't handle a good joke.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious posts. Def doing a few of them. Another great one I've been doing since college and works great where I work because of locked computer screens..

When someone doesnt lock their computer screen, take a screen shot pic of the whole screen like it is, then set it as the background on the computer and lock it. Be sure to move the "locked screen" box to the bottom where it cannot be seen. Then they try to go back to what they were doing and cant do anything at all. Funny as can be cause it takes a while to realize its locked.

Anonymous said...

Do the same thing only use chocolate instead of mud and instead of rolling it between your fingers, put it in your mouth and watch their reaction!

Renae said...

This isn't an outside prank but we had one year put an ad on Craigslist for free pigs and listed a friends number and his phone blew up for days. It was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Put peanut butter on a door knob. And when the person opens the door they will think it's dog poop. Creamy or crunchy is great to use.

Anonymous said...

My brother's (unpopular) boss played the lottery once a week. He put his ticket in the top drawer of his desk. So my brother bought a ticket with the winning number and put it in his desk drawer.. It was really funny to watch this jerk think he won!

Anonymous said...

"6.Got alcohol bottles from all the bars & put on the lawn with a big sign that said "AA Meeting, BYOB"

Reallllly? that is funny? I find that sick.. and aybody who would think it is ok to make light of a problem as serious as alcohlism is rude and should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard I cried at some of these. I've never been so excited for april fools! haha The best prank I've ever seen was done to me. My mom and her boyfriend are always bringing home those lottery scratchers and one time they brought home one and let me scratch it. Everything seemed normal until I realized that the scratcher was a winner for $20,000. I was so excited that I was screaming and crying. It wasn't until I saw that they weren't celebrating and instead were laughing so hard that they were almost peeing that I noticed something was up. hahaha apparently you can get fake scratchers at joke shops. I was mad at first but we still laugh at it to this day.

CherieNicole said...

LoL I've had just as much fun reading the pranks as well as all these comments ...some ppl are just ludicrous with all the debbie downer comments...idk whether to get irritated at them..feel sorry for them or just laugh at them LOL ....these pranks are for fun....most april fools day jokes are played on friends family n coworkers ....soooo....adjust ur pocket protectors and get ur granny panties out of the bunch thats making u so dull and boring..and ENJOY LIFE..LOVE...LIVE...LAUGH!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Thats the whole point! PERMANENTLY INJURING PEOPLE WITH LEGOS IN SHOES!!!!!!!! When person inserts foot in shoe containing lego....razor blades inserted inside of legos slice off victims toes and foot automatically becomes broken in 5 places..their minds are scarred for life and they are permanently disfigured forEVER!!!!!!! Omg!!! Get outta here with that nonsense!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yours are awesome! !!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Laughing so hard @ this reply!!!!

I just read that reply to my kids......we cant stop laughing!!! said...

I just read that reply to my kids......we cant stop laughing!!!

Anonymous said...

I have done the cereal prank before..lots of fun, make a half bowl of cereal night before and put it in the freezer, when your kids get up in the morning finish getting it ready with a little more cereal and milk, they wont be able to tell and wont be able to eat their cereal. My kids loved this one!

Anonymous said...

A decorated styrofoam cake or brownies for work. Funny to watch the 1st person try to saw it...sometimes you can repair the damage to watch more try to cut into. But to make nice, I brought in a real one the next day.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I think you've accidentally stumbled onto the wrong blog - I believe you're looking for the "Humourless Arseholes With Too Much Free-Time" blog. Perhaps you should take your butt-hurt whining over there, where someone might give a damn.

Anonymous said...

That is the most spectacularly brilliant thing I have ever heard in my entire life, and I hereby declare you the President of Awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

Instead of life savers do bouillion cubes..chicken one day,beef the next...

Anonymous said...

I am just trying to enjoy this post and have a few laughs. It is annoying me very much to keep reading the serious negative comments that people keep leaving. If you don't like it stop reading please. We get it that not all people like pranks. I can get a kick just out of the idea of some of these pranks and to keep running into the stick in the mud comments is really graying my rainbow.

Unknown said...

I am a huge april fols fan. A couple years ago I bought a doze donuts but only one that looked like my husbands favorite and filled it with horseradish instead of bavarian cream. Set them in the counter and he went straight for it! I still lmaoo about the huge bite he took and the look on his face. He was so mad!!! To this day he breaks them open and smells them before eating.

Anonymous said...

That is so mean who could ever imagine anyone doing that to a child

Oklahoma Bling said...

I used double sided tape on my husbands boxers taping the front opening closed. I had forgotten about it when he got home from work and told me he had almost had a accident that day. When I realized he wasn't talking about a car accident I nearlly rolled on the floor laughing!He kept telling me it wasn't funny and I got more tickled. And this wasn't even for April fools day.

Anonymous said...

Greatest reply ever, I can't stop laughing lol

Anonymous said...

Take cotton balls and dip them in melted almond bark. You will need to put sprinkles or crushed candy (smarties works great) to truly hide all of the cotton. It is so funny to watch the expression on peoples face when they bite into them.

Anonymous said...

my dad used to do this at work. no one ever figured out it was him

Anonymous said...

HahhahaHAHAha LMAO!!!!This is awesome especially if they don't know u!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When its cold outside and someone is warming up their car, turn the ac on and watch them freeze

Anonymous said...

You can always use a toilet paper roll and wet it then rip it up and shape it to look like poo.

Anonymous said...

I live in alaska. And one year my vry close neighbors went out on a mommy and daddy date, all dressed up lookin fancy. My husband and i had a awesome idea. We shoveled all the snow in our yard and put it 5 feet high aginst their front door. When they got home they had to dig their way into their house while dressed up lol. We got paid back needless to say

Anonymous said...

Well, if it does ever happen to you, rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball will take most of the permanent marker off your skin.

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